Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The Prachi Desai Enigma

The best part of shooting with Prachi Desai is that it hardly seems like a shoot...

The girl is lovely, soft-spoken and completely at ease with herself. She has a lucky air about her as well and everyone around seems to notice it... A golden touch that benefits all the project she stars in.

The child-like innocent aura that surrounds her magically shows up on camera and the camera never lies.

As we begin shooting, there is a certain freshness in the images that is hardly superficial. Hair and makeup have nothing to do with the beauty of these images. It is timeless and is accompanied with a smile that comes right from the heart...

Her makeup is done by Tushar Indulkar who is my personal favourite and Mayophi gives the finishing touches to a lovely hairdo shot after shot... A lovely day with a lovely lady...

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Underwater Men's Health shoot

The clorine has invaded my system as I sit all red-eyed to pen down the minutes of the underwater shoot that we did at the Cest La Vie in Bandra today with Angad Bedi and another female prop...

Everything from props to costumes to location were bang on in place thanks to Rohan George from Mens Health. I wonder why they dont make more people like him anymore.

The shoot lasted for a good three hours in ice cold waters and as our bodies started heading dangerously close to hypothermia, we decided to call it a day.. This is my tenth cup of coffee and I'm still shivering... Brrrr...