Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The Prachi Desai Enigma

The best part of shooting with Prachi Desai is that it hardly seems like a shoot...

The girl is lovely, soft-spoken and completely at ease with herself. She has a lucky air about her as well and everyone around seems to notice it... A golden touch that benefits all the project she stars in.

The child-like innocent aura that surrounds her magically shows up on camera and the camera never lies.

As we begin shooting, there is a certain freshness in the images that is hardly superficial. Hair and makeup have nothing to do with the beauty of these images. It is timeless and is accompanied with a smile that comes right from the heart...

Her makeup is done by Tushar Indulkar who is my personal favourite and Mayophi gives the finishing touches to a lovely hairdo shot after shot... A lovely day with a lovely lady...

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