Monday, 30 May 2011

On a beach in Maldives...

"So what are you doing on Friday?"
"Nothing in particular..." I say...
"Lets shoot at this lovely beach resort in Maldives..."

That's Sachiin Joshi for you...

Spontaneous and unpredictable, he is a man who wants to get everything done and NOW!!!

If I say "impossible" is not a word in his dictionary then it sounds cliche... I'm still going to say it -- For him there is pretty much nothing that isn't possible right there and then...

The next thing I know, we are packing our bags en route to Maldives where we shoot for two days at an absolutely breadth-taking island resort.

Nischay styles, Tushar does the makeup and we are trigger happy till sunset and booze happy till sunrise (hic!)

With Sachiin Joshi, life is one big party and everyone's invited...

Watchout for him in his forthcoming film 'Azaan' that just previewed last week at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. As he shows me the impressive Hollywood like rushes in his plush Powai office I think to myself -- Impossible is nothing! 

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